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What kinds of challenges do most budding entrepreneurs face? (2 Threads / 0 Replies)
Most budding entrepreneurs are hesitant to venture on their own to take their idea(s) to the next level as they may have a well paid job, have financial commitments and obligations that don't allow them to venture on the exciting but risky journey of "paddling their own canoe" to success
There are many attributes and characteristics that are very essential in wanting to become a successful entrepreneur.
A burning desire,discipline,a passionate drive and the ability to listen are some of the most important ingretients,that are required.
My experience has also taught me that having at least two mentors at the very beginning and that you can trust will help you on your journey is vital.
Feel free to connect with me if you need help!
Learning new things (1 Threads / 0 Replies)
Becoming an Entrepreneur is a first step towards learning new things through experienece instead of learning through studying.
So those who like to do new things should always think of becoming an entrepreneurs.
Merits and Demerits of making Jan-Dec as a Financial Year (0 Threads / 0 Replies)
Problematic for MNCs - Though we may criticize MNCs on various fronts, it is seen that they bring in business and employment. Since they have presence in multiple countries, they need to manage their accounts and deal with 2 types of fiscal years. That is exhausting, time consuming and increases their operational costs.
Major changes needed - If we want Jan-Dec period then many major changes are needed like shifting Parliamentary Sessions, budget presentation in November-December, reorganizing tax infrastructure and its various laws, tax assessment year, etc.
Everyone needs a mentor! (0 Threads / 0 Replies)
It is my firm believe that one always needs a mentor if one wishes constant improvement and positive growth.
if we take historical facts such as the upbringing of a child. Mentoring in my humble opinion is evolutionary .
young parents do not have the where with all of knowing how to rear and bring up children. Many of the nuisances and disciplines are first handed down to the young parents through the medium of learned intruction by their parents.
Likewise many of the needed qualities that a budding entrepreneur needs to be successful are learnt through the gained experiences of a mentor or mentors.
The art of learning is listening tentatively to the lessons of ones mentors and then carefully implementing and/ or improving on those lessons(ideas) to personalize them to ones current situation(s) to make a meaningful impact.
Entrepreneurs that make significant impacts are those on a trail of constant learning.
i personally have stood on the shoulders of many mentoring greats that have gone before me.
i would say May paternal great grand mother who lived yo the age of 102 was my finest mentor though at the time I did not look upon her as a "mentor"
My late , great mother was certainly the most influential and dynamic mentor I have ever had and still is as she guides me from the Heavens.
Hope this helps and makes sense?
Experience Vs Qualification (0 Threads / 0 Replies)
I have come acorss this dilema between the industry experience and the educational qualification.
In the todays ever changing , dynamic environment it has become the prove yourself on each and every point.
But while growing in the business world which critera should be rated more experience or qualification?
How important it is for you to networks? (0 Threads / 0 Replies)
In today's age of social networking how important is it for you to network in person? What are some of the channels you use for in person networking?
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