Looking for the best UX design courses to choose from? Here are our top 11!

In today’s tech-driven landscape, skills in UX design can take you a long way.

Lucky for you, there’s a myriad of online UX courses currently on offer, suited to a wide range of needs.

We’ve rounded up 11 of the best online UX design courses to take in 2023. We’ll give you a quick summary of each course, so you can see which is best suited to you and your career goals.

If you’re in the very early stages of your research and not yet ready to pay for a course, we recommend signing up for this free UX design short course to get started.

Let’s take a look at the top options!

    1. CareerFoundry
    2. Coursera
    3. Skillshare
    4. UX Academy
    5. Interaction Design Foundation
    6. LinkedIn Learning
    7. Udemy
    8. SuperHi
    9. General Assembly
    10. DesignLab
    11. Google UX Certificate