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CauseBackr™ (CB) is the Sales transactions and Leads generation platform with an innovative difference. Quality Vendors, Discerning Buyers and Critical Cause Projects, all converge, each with their own impetus and interests, to make an affirmative impact.
CB Impact - Every business transaction through CauseBackr has a tangible ripple effect, in that it helps CB, in turn, to fund and track meaningful CauseBackr Projects to completion. CauseBackr facilitates transactions through exclusive offers and bargains and even provides value-added negotiate best Vendor price services. CauseBackr establishes multiple high-impact business channels for Vendors and Buyers to connect and transact and is currently on the cusp of orchestrating expansion to new silos.
Announcements to follow.
Buyers Impact – Buyers come for the - exclusive offers, deals, quality vendors, unique products, competitive best price assistance and even positive Cause Project impact as key incentives, including DirectDonate™ (to directly donate to a Project) – to each their own.
Business/Vendor Impact – Vendors generate new leads and magnify their target market focus, & community outreach, leverage cost effective CB promotions and results-based cost of sales, showcase their products and inherently build brand goodwill with an optional nod to a favorite Cause project. Options include - Exclusive CB Offers, Matching contributions to transactions, Project sponsorships, Employee perks via CB discounts
CB stamped - Businesses/Vendors - Product or Services B2B or B2C), Online only E-commerce sites, In-store deals, Service Providers in a medley of biz domains.
Cause Projects Impact- By leveraging the CB virtual bridge between Vendors and Buyer, CauseBackrs do indeed Act to Transact and ultimately Impact and embedded in its core edifice is an active platform of Cause Projects. CauseBackr funds these carefully curated in Projects with through its direct grant allocation from the transaction service fee it receives from Businesses. CB tracks the projects to completion and posts updates.
Cause Projects have multiple avatars - An Individual pledge, A Grassroots campaign, an inspired film maker, a for-profit company with positive social impact. The Cause Projects selection through due diligence is scalable in its both in domain focus and geographic reach CB thus emerges as the ultimate Capitalism with a Conscience brand – a live-wire marketplace for B2C or B2B transactions. It is a Win-Win-Win-Win for all CB stakeholders with quantifiable life-affirming impact to lives around us Act. Transact. Impact!
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