FoundersClick Inc. (FC) ™ is a growing global platform headquartered in Silicon Valley, California that hosts an active community of over 76,000 members comprising of Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Students, Businesses, Serviceproviders/Domain experts, Investor/Incubators & Non-Profits. FoundersClick™ hosts a business community of mid-size to small and early stage businesses and all their allied member stakeholders to Connect, Promote to Effect results with the understanding that it takes an intricate ecosystem to build and nurture your professional journey and your business. FoundersClick™ offers a results-driven array of CONNECT & PROMOTE value propositions through its products and services.

Premium Services Our mission through Premium services is to address five critical success pressure points for startups and growing ventures.
Expertise team leverage in
Technology Marketing, IP and Patent
Client base/ Market expansion
Strategic facilitated introductions
Team-resources build
Funding Readiness & Pitch Opportunity Client Testimonials

Business Requirements: Funding Services
FC Solution: FundClick
Funding Readiness. We team-up to boost fundraise efforts
Opportunity to Pitch. Pitch to potential investor prospects
FundClick fundraise microecosystem that links ventures to investors
Business Requirements - Strategic Connections
FC Solution: AttestClick
Domain Expert assessed Endorsements for commercial use
Influence and impact through strategic visibility and brand credibility
Business Requirements: Team Resources Build
FC Solution: SkillClick
We mitigate hiring and investments risk through a hands-on project based vetting protocols and skill assessment
We offer team compatibility assessment for startups
FC Solution: MentorClick
We mentor professionals to boost job search success and facilitates access to business opportunities aligned to career progressive interests.
Our Products. FoundersClick ecosystem Platform offers subscription upgrades to Classic from DIY Basic member Services with the following value-added offerings.
Introducor - Facilitated introductions
Facilitator - Consent- based leads
Campaignor- Targeted campaign